Our female and male narrators appear in all of our videos, breaking the fourth wall and speaking directly to the audience as well as interacting with our characters. These two are a long-term monogamous couple that help us explore healthy communication around sex within the context of a relationship. John is coming to terms with his sexuality. He wrestles with his identity as a gay man and the masculine stereotypes that he’s expected to conform to as a serious athlete. Willa is a star student who struggles to see herself as positively as her classmates and friends do. She deals with complicated emotions around sex and self-esteem. Jaxon is a leader among his peers. Confident, charming, and with strong boundaries, Jaxon embodies the best qualities of men his age. Meili knows herself and her boundaries but has to learn to articulate them to the people with whom she interacts. Frank embodies some difficult qualities of men his age. While he’s confident, he’s not as charming as he thinks he is. Frank does a lot of learning about boundaries and wrestles with how men often talk and think about women. Nora is a great friend and a confident young woman. She’s got great boundaries and is an important sounding board for her friends as they wrestle with complicated issues.